Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is Mark and my 3rd wedding anniversary!! We decided to go out on Saturday instead of today and I'm glad we did since I have had a bad migraine all day! We had such a fun day. He took me to get pedicures and then lunch. Later on we went to see Juno which I loved but like 11 people walked out in the beginning. Oh well. Then we went to dinner at Tepanyaki which was really good, as always. Thanks for always putting up with me!! ;) I love you babe!!!


Dalton Family said...

Oh Yeah!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Cute pictures!

Sara said...

Congratulations! You are a beautiful couple! It sounds like you had a great time celebrating! Happy anniversary!!!

Christy said...

happy anniversary! you guys are way cute.

Lori and kids said...

Wow, It has been that long! Crazy! I just feel like I meet him a couple of months ago and it is weird that you guys have been married for three years. It took me to long to find where you were at!

Channa said...

Happy Anniversary - all of that sounds like so much fun!

michelle taggart said...

yea!! happy anniversary!! how exciting celebrating your happy marriage together!! congrats brynn and mark.........3 years, and going strong!!