We had a very crazy week, and not in a fun way! On Memorial Day we were over at my Mom's for awhile and we all ended up taking a nap. When we woke up I gave Quincy some motrin since she had a little bit of a fever since the night before. Not 5 minutes later she fell down on the floor and started having a seizure. She had stopped breathing and turned blue so I was blowing air into her mouth trying to get her to breathe. After a few minutes she stopped seizing and was slowing breathing again. Meanwhile, Mark and Brittney are both on with 911 trying to get the ambulance to come. So they came and took Quincy to the ER where they did a bunch of tests and stuff. It turned out that she had a really bad infection in her bladder and kidneys that caused her fever to go so high so fast that it caused her to have a seizure. That was the scariest thing I've ever had happen. You forget everything you've learned to do and when your baby is not breathing and blue and there's nothing you can do, it's the worst feeling ever! She is doing much better now though. We just have to take her to get some more tests done to make sure the infection is all gone. Hopefully we never have to go through that again!!
11 hours ago
Oh Brynn I am so sorry! I am glad that she is okay but that must have been so scary at the time! I was just asking Cami about you if she had heard from you and we both were hopeing that you would post soon but this is not the kind of post we were hopeing for...I hope that the infection clears soon and that she is back to normal and we can see more happy posts!!!!
Oh! So scary!!! When Russell was almost 1, he had a fever seizure when he was sick and I had no idea what to do. The only thing I could think of was to yell for Sean (it happened when I was changing his diaper in the middle of the night).
It really is so scary when something like this happens. I am glad that things are going better, and I hope the infection clears up! Poor Quincy! I hope that everything else is going well with you guys!!
Hello! Yes I remember you! What a darling little girl! I love that little dress that she is wearing that is pink and brown, where did you get that? Do you live around here? We are in SF.
oh my gosh brynn, that had to had been the scariest thing ever. i'm so so glad everything ended up okay. poor little thing... i'm so sorry. i hope your doing fine, and i wish everything to get better. love ya much!
That sounds so scary! I have another friend who lives in Las Vegas and the exact same thing happened to their little boy. I think she gave him Motrin and he went into a seizure. What a scary thing - I'm so glad she's okay!
oh my gosh, that is so scary! i can't even imagine how you felt! i'm so glad everything turned out okay and you guys figured out what the problem was.
Hey Brynn... I put together a blog for the class of 2000. If you get a chance please check it out at http://springvilleclassof2000.blogspot.com/ and send an email update! I really want the class of 2000 blog to have more updates! Ü
ps. How is Quincy doing?
Oh no problem! I got mine at Target- it was on sale for 23 bucks! Ella's was from Children's Place for 9! I love to be thrifty! I miss Utah! I hear it's been cold there though, it's been nice and warm here-swimming everyday! That's why new swimming suits were SO needed!
Oh, I can't even imagine what that must have been like! How scary! Your poor baby! Let us know how you guys are doing.
How are you doing? I called you, but you never called back!
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