Boy we have gone through a rough few months! I don't want to go into too much detail, but it has been hard. So just when I get healed up from my c-section, I had to get my gallbladder removed a few weeks ago. That was brutal! Thank goodness my Grandma came up and stayed with us. She is amazing! She took care of the kiddos for me and made dinner and cleaned and everything! I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been there. Then Quincy came down with a really high fever and with her history we have to get her treated right away. Two instacare visits and a night spent in the ER, a fever of 104.9 at one point, and two medication changes, they finally got her better. The worst part was that Deacon ended up getting very sick and had to be put in the hospital. He had viral bronchiolitis and had to be hooked up to all these monitors and machines and IVs and get his lungs suctioned out and be given medications so that he could breathe. It was so sad! They even had to take blood from out of his head because he was so dehydrated. But they are both doing so much better now. Of course Mark and I couldn't be around all this without getting sick and ended up with strep throat.Phew! After dealing with all of this, I am just so thankful that we are all healthy and able to be home.
Here are some pictures from Easter. One of the only 2 days that we have gone out and they get sick!
Here are some pictures from Easter. One of the only 2 days that we have gone out and they get sick!